Async iterators provides an elegant method to iterate over each parsed records with the usage of the for await...of construct.
CSV parse rely on and leverages the Node.js stream readable API. It implements the Symbol.asyncIterator or Symbol.iterator iterable protocol.
This is kind of an obscure JS functionality and we don't have to deal with it. The end result is very comprehensive and illustrated with the async iterator example
This example is available with the command node samples/recipe.async.iterator.js.
import fs from'node:fs';import{ parse }from'csv-parse';const __dirname =newURL('.',import.meta.url).pathname;constprocessFile=async()=>{const records =[];const parser = fs
.createReadStream(`${__dirname}/fs_read.csv`).pipe(parse({// CSV options if any}));forawait(const record of parser){// Work with each record
records.push(record);}return records;};(async()=>{const records =awaitprocessFile();;})();
Async iteration is also supported in CoffeeScript. It is expressed with the for...from syntax available since version 1.12.0. The async example in coffeescript is:
import fs from 'node:fs'
import { parse } from 'csv-parse'
const __dirname =newURL('.', import.meta.url).pathname
processFile =()->
records =[]
parser = fs
.createReadStream "#{__dirname}/fs_read.csv".pipe parse(# CSV options if any)for await record from parser
# Work with each record
records = await processFile() records