CSVParse for Node.js


CSV Parse options


All options are optional. The options from the Node.js Stream Writable are also supported and passed as is. Only the "objectMode" is overwritten to always equal "true".

Available options

  • bom (boolean)
    Since version 4.4.0
    If true, detect and exclude the byte order mark (BOM) from the CSV input if present.
  • cast (boolean|function)
    Since version 2.2.0
    Alter the value of a field. If true, the parser will attempt to convert input strings to native types. A function must return the new value and the received arguments are the value to cast and the context object. This option was named auto_parse until version 2.
  • cast_date (boolean|function)
    Since version 1.0.5
    Convert the CSV field to a date. It requires the cast option to be active. This option was named auto_parse_date until version 2.
  • columns (array|boolean|function)
    Since early days
    Generate records as object literals instead of arrays. List of fields as an array, a user defined callback accepting the first line and returning the column names, or true if auto-discovered in the first CSV line. Defaults to null. Affects the result data set in the sense that records will be objects instead of arrays. A value "false" "null", or "undefined" inside the column array skips the column from the output.
  • group_columns_by_name (boolean)
    Since version 4.10.0
    Convert values into an array of values when columns are activated and when multiple columns of the same name are found.
  • comment (string|buffer)
    Since early days
    Treat all the characters after this one as a comment; one or multiple characters; disabled by default by defining an empty string "".
  • comment_no_infix (boolean)
    Since 5.5.0
    Restricts the definition of comments to full lines.
  • delimiter (string|Buffer|[string|Buffer])
    Since version 0.0.1
    Set one or several field delimiters containing one or several characters. It defaults to , (comma).
  • encoding (string|Buffer)
    Since version 4.13.0
    Set the input and output encodings. Using null or false output the raw buffer instead of a string and it defaults to utf8.
  • escape (string|Buffer)
    Since version 0.0.1
    Set the escape character as one character/byte only. It only applies to quote and escape characters inside quoted fields and it defaults to " (double quote).
  • from (number)
    Since version 1.2.0
    Start handling records from a requested number of records. Count is 1-based, for example, provides 1 (and not 0) to emit first record.
  • from_line (number)
    Since version 4.0.0
    Start handling records from a requested line number.
  • ignore_last_delimiters (boolean)
    Since version 4.15.0
    Disregard any delimiters present in the last field of the record, require the column option when true.
  • info (boolean)
    Since version 4.0.0
    Generate two properties info and record where info is a snapshot of the info object at the time the record was created and record is the parsed array or object; note, it can be used conjointly with the raw option.
  • ltrim (boolean)
    Since early days
    If true, ignore whitespace immediately following the delimiter (i.e. left-trim all fields). Defaults to false. Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.
  • max_record_size (integer)
    Since version 4.0.0
    Maximum number of characters to be contained in the field and line buffers before an exception is raised. It was previously named "max_limit_on_data_read".
  • objname (string|Buffer)
    Since early days
    Name of header-record title to name objects by; the string or Buffer value must not be empty and it must match a header value.
  • on_record (function)
    Since 4.7.0
    Alter and filter records by executing a user defined function.
  • quote (char|Buffer|boolean)
    Since version 0.0.1
    Optional character surrounding a field as one character only; disabled if null, false or empty; defaults to double quote.
  • raw (boolean)
    Since version 1.1.6
    Generate two properties raw and record where raw is the original CSV content and record is the parsed array or object; note, it can be used conjointly with the info option.
  • record_delimiter (chars|array)
    Since version 4.0.0
    One or multiple characters used to delimit records; defaults to auto discovery if not provided. Supported auto discovery methods are Linux ("\n"), Apple ("\r") and Windows ("\r\n") row delimiters. It was previously named rowDelimiter.
  • relax_column_count (boolean)
    Since version 1.0.6
    Discard inconsistent columns count; disabled if null, false or empty; default to false.
  • relax_column_count_less (boolean)
    Since version 4.8.0
    Similar to relax_column_count but only apply when the record contains less fields than expected.
  • relax_column_count_more (boolean)
    Since version 4.8.0
    Similar to relax_column_count but only apply when the record contains more fields than expected.
  • relax_quotes (boolean)
    Since version 0.0.1
    Preserve quotes inside unquoted field (be warned, it doesn't make coffee).
  • rtrim (boolean)
    Since early days
    If true, ignore whitespace immediately preceding the delimiter (i.e. right-trim all fields). Defaults to false. Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.
  • skip_empty_lines (boolean)
    Since version 0.0.5
    Don't generate records for empty lines (line matching /^$/), defaults to false.
  • skip_records_with_empty_values (boolean)
    Since version 1.1.8
    Don't generate records for lines containing empty values (column matching /\s*/), empty Buffer or equals to null and undefined if their value was casted, defaults to false.
  • skip_records_with_error (boolean)
    Since version 2.1.0
    Skip a line with error found inside and directly go process the next line.
  • to (number)
    Since version 1.2.0
    Stop handling records after the requested number of records.
  • to_line (number)
    Since version 4.0.0
    Stop handling records after the requested line number.
  • trim (boolean)
    Since early days
    If true, ignore whitespaces immediately around the delimiter. Defaults to false. Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.

Choose your style

The code uses snake case as the conventional style for function and variable names. In snake case, all letters are lowercase and underscores separate words. It is however accepted to provide options in camel case. Thus, record_delimiter and recordDelimiter are equivalent when initialising a new parser. The option will be converted into snake case and exposed as such. For example, in case you need to access the record_delimiter option, use generate().options.record_delimiter and not generate().options.recordDelimiter. Choose the case which best fit your coding style.


The Node.js CSV project is an open source product hosted on GitHub and developed by Adaltas.